Massage has been known since a long time, since the kingdom in Java. At that time, called the Java community with the term massage is used as a massage and health facilities. Massage can be used at all age levels. Both the children, nor parents or adults. Even better, a massage by a masseuse is important to care for the elderly (seniors) as well as sportsmen. For a massage, a smooth blood circulation, and healthy body.
So, in addition to relaxation, massage can be used for the treatment of some diseases are not caused by a fungus or a virus or bacteria.
Is massage technique also applies to pregnant women? Of course. Massage will help relieve muscle spasms and cramps due to the extra burden that must be taken by pregnant women and the physical changes that occur during pregnancy. But, be sure to apply a massage technique that is safe for pregnant women to avoid the certain body parts and risky positions. It's just that, a massage or abstinence should not be carried out on pregnant women who are young (1-5 months) because of extremely risky. Massage for pregnant women should only be done in certain parts such as hands and feet, and back, and neck. Hips, stomach and waist should not be sorted.
For example, mothers who give birth or maternity helped by midwives. If there is disorder, such as the fetal position is not correct, will be treated or handled by a skilled midwife or call masseuse. Similarly, when kelahirannnya.
Pregnant women experience fatigue faster and it makes the body becomes stiff. But do not massage on pregnant women. Well from a few references and suggestions doctors, massage may be done in the body besides the abdomen, waist, and hips. The third part is certainly vulnerable to the direct contact of the baby in the womb. But it was not absolutely forbidden to have a massage, because massage in the third part was enough to help both the pregnant mother and her unborn baby.
Massage on the abdomen, waist, and abdomen should be done by people who understand the ins and outs of pregnancy and should not be done haphazardly.
That must be considered include: . At the time of a massage should not be happening contraction, if there is contraction massage immediately stop such activities.
. Make sure the content is not a problem.
To keep unwanted things, better massage. Done at 5 months gestation upwards.
. The most important, a massage performed by a therapist or someone who understands and trained in massage for pregnant women.
. Massage your feet (reflection) is also noteworthy because there are nerves that connect the uterus. Make sure the massage does not happen contractions and other problems. It is advisable not to do foot reflexology.
. The body may be massaged and not risk the calves, arms, back, and neck.
Benefits of massage during pregnancy Massage serves to reduce stress and at the same time teach mothers how to relax., Relaxation is one of the main keys in the process of childbirth. In addition, massage techniques also help to strengthen the process of pregnancy in a way to smooth the flow of blood, lymph circulation, reducing edema, and help prepare mental and physical readiness
Next, massage also serves to reduce joint stress due to the extra burden and help maximize breathing capacity which is needed in the process of giving birth.
can fix the position of the baby into a form that should be (once again, this should be done by a trained therapist who benar2)
melancarklan blood circulation thereby giving relaxation to the muscles and nerves of the body
metabolism launched
Body parts that need to be avoidedIf you want to do massage, be sure to find therapists who are experts and experienced massage pregnant women. Body, starting from the wall of the stomach, skin, breast up to the respiratory system, will change during pregnancy. Thus, the technique used must also comply with the condition of your body. Here are some parts of the body that need special attention:
Stomach. Muscle and skin in the abdominal wall will experience a stretch. Therefore, to avoid direct massage on the stomach area.
Breast. The breasts will enlarge and sensitive and should also avoid direct massage.
Feet. Heart size will be enlarged, there was expansion of blood vessels, blood volume increased to 30-50%, an increase in blood cells red and white blood. In addition, interstitial fluid volume will increase as much as 40% in the 3rd trimester, leading to edema. In addition, women who experienced heart problems was also the greatest risk of heart failure in the 3rd trimester.
Therefore, be careful when doing foot massage in the area because it can increase the blood coagulation. The muscles that need direlakskan are adductor muscles (muscles that pull the foot and hand toward the center line of the body) so that the pelvic muscles relax too. In addition, make sure you are in a sideways position.
Position as a massage Condition your body different from the women who are not pregnant. Therefore, the massage will also be arranged so that you are in half-reclining position. This position may not be too uncomfortable for you, but it is safe for babies. In addition, you also will be asked to change the position facing to the right side or left so that the therapist can massage your back and waist area. In addition, there will be additional booster cushion to make you feel more comfortable.
You interested? Please try. But, be sure to find a therapist who specializes in this. There was a good idea to consult with your doctor to find out your health history and get the proper referral therapists and experts. (OL-08)
Improve blood circulation which helps delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body cells of pregnant women and their fetuses. This means that increase vitality and reduce fatigue experienced by women and provide better nutrition to the fetus.
• Reduce pressure on the heart because the blood circulation more smoothly thanks to the massages.
• Helps reduce lactic acid metabolism and other body which when stacked will cause rapid muscle fatigue. In addition, the muscles that feel tight or stiff will be more relaxed so that helps the birth process later.
• Helps reduce many pregnancy disorders, such as backaches, leg aches, headaches, and swelling at the ankle and around the fingers.
• Stimulates secretion (expenses) gland product that helps stabilize hormone levels in the body.
• Recovering depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes in pregnant women.
• Helps relax the nervous tension, thus helping pregnant women to be easy to sleep soundly.
However, it must be remembered that not all pregnant women can follow this massage programs, such as women with troubled pregnancies and gestational age mothers who are still 1-5 months. Other things, massage for pregnant women should not be done by any massage, but it must be by a trained therapist. This is related to body parts specific to pregnant women if massage will cause uterine contractions early.
Massage is relaxing and can improve the blood circulation system launch. However, massage the uterus area (abdomen) should be avoided because it may cause stimulation of contraction, sometimes even painful. Massage the wrong way it makes women need other treatments to relieve pain and contractions.
Music therapy Music can stimulate didefinsikan as alloys that form the sound vibrations that can provide regular on the sensory stimuli, organs, and also emotions. This means that individuals who listen to music will respond, both physically and psychologically, that will inspire the body systems, including the activity of glands in it. In pregnant women, the activity of various glands in the body will affect the development of the baby. also will cause the atmosphere to relax when the music is the music played a quiet, gentle, and menyejukan.
Color Therapy In the medical field, color therapy is classified as electromagnetic medicine or treatment with electromagnetic waves. The body has an innate and automatic response to color and light without realizing it and are genetically programmed. It can occur because the color is basically an element of light and the light is one form of energy. Energizing the body will fit on the positive effects.
The energy given to pregnant women to help achieve desired conditions. For example, the color orange to give pleasure or joy. Is a natural green color which refers to the purity and harmony. Green is considered extraordinary remedy because it is used to balance and stabilize the body's energy. Also stimulates the process of thinking and learning, in addition to stimulating growth.
Aromatherapy Aromatherapy for healing the so-called medical aromatherapy (aromatologi) performed by referring to the health sciences. For this purpose also aromatologi use essential oils or oil which is a quintessence ASIRI plants. This therapy can be carried by pregnant women since the early trimester to overcome the problems typical of the early trimester, morning sickness.
Aromatherapy is recommended for pregnant women because aromatherapy does not cause physical stimuli, also will cause the atmosphere to relax and reduce stress. But it must be remembered, usually a young pregnant woman is very sensitive to odors. So the smell of election must be individualized and not forced.
Spa Therapy Spa for pregnant women is somewhat different from ordinary spa. No wonder if not all of the spas have this program. Spa treatments provide comfort and relaxation for pregnant women, one footbath for pregnant feet clean and free from the tension of holding the increased body weight.
There is also treatment with the warming-up or the mother's body covered with warm blankets and then gently massaged. If all the muscles are relaxed then began the massage stage of your upper back until your lower back and into the neck and shoulders and the center of the chest area. The goal is to clear space for breath. Done all that, your body will be wiped with a warm towel.
Before joining the program make sure you visit the spa has a special therapist for pregnant women. Generally, these therapists have special training and provided insight into the psychic condition of the mother who was pregnant. Noteworthy is the body's electrolyte balance of pregnant women. Therefore, avoid the spa program that causes excessive sweat out (sauna, for example) so that the body does not quickly dehydrated and electrolyte balance impaired. In addition, heat can increase the production of prostaglandins, hormones that can stimulate uterine contractions.
Hypnobirthing Hypnobirthing is one of relaxation techniques for labor welcome. Conducted with various relaxation techniques and suggestions via usapan.dan Good if followed pregnant women by causing the atmosphere pleasant.
Aquarobic Perinsipnya same as pregnancy exercise, only this sport is in the water. The goal for fitness, practice breathing, and blood circulation. Excess, the movement in the water free from pressure on the joints, making it very safe. Mother can soon feel the benefits.
Water sports are good, but should be supported with good water conditions and good conditions also pregnant. Feared contaminated water will actually cause infection in the womb.
Body Care * Pedicure 2nd trimester begin at the stomach is more bloated and the mother must have been difficult to do his own foot care. Two weeks or so, it's good to do a pedicure at the salon treatment. If done since the first trimester, avoid nail cosmetic products contain chemicals such as toluene or acetone in nail polish that is often used to remove nail polish.
Body hygiene for pregnant women is important to reduce the risk of infection. Note, however, pedicure treatment (also menikur) done with less caution will only hurt the fingernail. If the salon's equipment is used in non-sterile conditions (used also by other visitors), the tool may be a media transmission of hepatitis B virus or HIV.
So, it would be nice if the mother brings his own equipment to menikur pedicure salon. Research about the dangers of chemicals in nail care medicine
for the fetus has not been done specifically, but should avoid it.
* Care face For facial treatments, especially facials, which take into account is cream-cream that is applied during treatment. Surely pregnant women should be sure if the content of these cosmetics do not contain heavy metals, hormonal drugs, antibiotics or chemical substances which can harm a fetus. So it would be good if done d ibawah facials medical supervision.
* CreambathHair care for and keep clean would have become mandatory for pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant mother can do all kinds of treatments such as creambath hair, hair spa, and ozone therapy. However, should avoid the use of harsh chemicals in products such as coloring, straightening, and curling or hair pengombak. There is said hair dye is safe because it is made of herbal ingredients, but not least also the worry that any herbal hair dye contains chemicals.