
Benefits of massage as a whole

city life increasingly filled with competition and higher pollution. City life, the variety of emerging businesses relaxation massage and spa where - where. . Massage has long been believed to be beneficial to health. You can enjoy the benefits of massage ranging from stress relief to speed up recovery time after illness.

With busy lives and all the pressure that must be faced every day, of course you need a way to relieve stress. Massage therapy can be your choice.

Based on scientific studies, massage therapy can enhance immune system function, reduce stress levels, with our massage will always try to calm down before experiencing chronic stress and shorten the treatment period due to certain diseases, including:

· Allergies
· Depression and anxiety
· Arthritis
· Carpal tunnel syndrome
· Asthma and bronchitis
· Problems breathing
· Insomnia
· Injury during exercise
· Fibromialgia and chronic fatigue

There are many more benefits of massage therapy. Here are some general benefits of massage:

All the activities we can physically and mentally stressful. Therefore, let the body calm and relaxed into a very important requirement. Massage therapy, can help us to relax. Massage can make our mental calm, and encourage the birth of creative thoughts. With a massage will make the body and mind relax
· Improved mental state
· It can handle the pressure
· A more positive attitude

Relieve stress
Stress management is key to running a healthy lifestyle. And massage therapy has proven to be one of the most effective way to relieve stress. Studies have found that massage therapy increases the body's immune system. This will also relieve both the stress. Massage can also increase energy, reduce pain and improve physical and mental performance.

Stress will subside also bring other benefits such as:
· Lowers heart rate
· Lower blood pressure
· Relaxes the muscles
· Increased endorphin levels of the hormone, the hormone that makes the mind calm and
. Encouraging creativity

Smooth functioning of the circulatory
In the long run, massage therapy serves to facilitate blood flow. Massage pressure can move the blood through the clogged area. This makes the release of a new blood flow into. Pressure and tug at the time of massage can also release lactic acid dai muscles and increase the flow of lymph fluid that carries waste from metabolime rest the muscles and internal organs. The result, blood pressure will drop and the body function better.

Smooth circulation will:
· Facilitate the flow of blood
· Remove metabolic waste from muscles and internal organs
· Lower blood pressure
· Improve body function

Eliminate fatigue
Hard work both physically or excessive exercise can cause acid to accumulate in the muscles - the muscles that cause pain. Massage is very effective in improving blood circulation and help eliminate clumping on the acid that causes muscle pain.

Prevent disease.
When the blood goes well it can keep the mind and body functions remain normal. Through massage the blood can flow smoothly so that increases stamina and awake.
Accelerating recovery from environmental changes that had arrived - arrived.
If the weather suddenly changed, our bodies do not adjust quickly enough so that they can fall ill. Massage helps the body adjust to changes in weather.

Not a few people to do massage, although they do not have any health complaints. Many people do massage each seeking emotional balance that comes from touching and being touched others

Lowers blood pressure
One of the best ways to lower blood pressure is to massage therapy. A number of studies have shown that massage therapy is done regularly can lower systolic blood pressure and diastolic, lowering stress hormone cortisol, reducing the sources of depression and anxiety.

Low blood pressure benefits:
· Levels of depression and lower anxiety
· Stress hormones will be controlled
· Lowers risk of heart attack, kidney failure or stroke

Relieve pain
Massage can be invigorating and rejuvenating the mind. In addition, joint repair, maintain smooth blood circulation is a key inhibitor Massage penuaan.dan process helps overcome the problem of poor blood circulation also stagnation of blood, nutrients to the muscles and other tissues.
Massage can overcome migraines and headaches due to tension in two ways. First, massage helps the body maintain relaxation in the optimal phase and reduce stress. This method can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks and relieve tension. Secondly, massage can also relieve the pressure for severe migraine. You can reduce the pain by doing massage in the neck, head and shoulders.

Accelerating recovery after illness
Recovery after injury may be times exhausting. Massage therapy can play an important role as a supplement to standard treatment. By increasing circulation and relaxing muscles, massage helps the body pump more oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs. This will make the injured area is more flexible and speed up the recovery process.