
Facial Massage

Massage technique has been known by humans for thousands of years, used to relax muscles and body muscles as well as cure various diseases. Similarly, facial massage, will make blood circulation more smoothly, stress loss and blush will look more beautiful and fresh.

FACE is to mirror a person's personality and honesty. Therefore, each person must treat the face so hard, clean and youthful. Especially for those who frequent the hot water bath so that skin wrinkles easily and the hair roots quickly die or white. there are some facial massage

1. Acupressure technique
2. Technique Totok Aura

1. Acupressure technique
Many ways to make the face look more beautiful, young, and glowing. Plastic surgery face lift or maybe one of them. But, wait do not rush? Quickly decided to do it. You better start thinking about to undergo facial acupressure massage techniques. It's one natural way to get more face time beauty. eliminate shadows under the eyes due to fatigue, reduce wrinkles by stimulating the cells in the face was 'lazy' to be active again so that the skin collagen production continued to be triggered.
Massage the acupressure points are right in the face, not only makes the face seem rilek, but also youthful and radiant

Acupressure technique performed on the meridian points, among other corner of his lips, forehead, cheekbones, under the eyes and nostrils. The aim is to stimulate the smooth flow of blood vessels under the skin

You can do yourself this facial massage techniques. All you need is moisturizer. Please be prepared to massage oil of good quality and soft, such as almond oil, avocado oil (avocado), jojoba oil, olive oil, soybean oil, and others. Almond oil and jojoba oil is the oil that is soothing. You can also add 3 drops of fragrance oil into each 15 ml of base oil. If you have dry skin types, use cold cream that you can save first in the fridge. Whereas for oily skin types, mix olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice.

Acupressure massage the following tips:

. Clean the face with a refreshing and poleskan using moisturizer on my whole face and neck with a sweeping gesture toward the top.
. Dip your fingertip into the massage oil and apply to the face by drawing a circle on the face, gently rub the oil evenly to all parts of the face.
. Pinch the area slowly began to cheekbones to the jaw line (for the morning). Perform a circular motion with finger lines (for massages at night). Press for several seconds on the tense areas. Usually on the inner and outer corner of eye and base of the eyebrows.
. The fingertips of both hands pointing to the center is placed on the brow, gently massage leads to a temple. Repeat this movement, slowly continue to massage until the existing section kerutannya lines. This is called a digital strooking Movement
. Place the tip of the middle finger and ring finger above the eyebrow, near the nose. Massage outwards accompany the eyebrows, and then fell with the end of the eye (turn on the cheek bone) and massage until the nose, with a circular motion gently massage until the return to the top of the nose into place. Repeat this movement several times.
. With a circle while pointing to the back, massage your temples with the two ends of jari.pijat rotate clockwise in accordance with the movement called friction palmal
. Put both ends of your fingers above the eyebrows, then put your thumb on the cheek bone adjacent to the nose, use your thumbs to massage slowly toward your ear.
. Clench your hands, use both sides of the fingers of your hands
Use your palm to gently pat the top of the cheek.
. Put both ends of the fingers on your upper lip, then massage gently to the inside.
. Put both ends of the fingers in the lower jaw, massage the lower jaw bone down to the ear, then pat lightly from the ear leads back to the lower jaw. Repeat the movement several times.
. Pat your neck slowly upward, then repeat the motion in a circle as in step 1 above by tapping gently all over your face, facial massage done already.
. Final touch is to put both hands together next to the nose and mouth, then rubbed his palm across the face several times.

In the face massage to note the movement Avoid too much pressure on facial skin. Massage for the face should be done perlahan.Gerakan hands should rotate to the top of the face. Do not rub the face of more than 25 minutes. Use a bandana and cover the shoulders with a towel.

2. Totok Aura
One technique of facial massage using the power in the media, or prana, also called bioenergy. This is obtained through the training of art therapists breathing, and no relation at all with the mystical. We do care, a therapist bioenergy flow through the fingers that can provide and enhance positive energy, or aura, and at the same time push out negative energy.
Aura is effervescent energy, energetic, and positive. In science is defined as the body's electromagnetic energy field that
nature preserve and is located in the whole body from toes to the tips of the hair ..
Aura can not be seen as invisible, but can be felt people around. Generally, every person from birth has had an aura. Only, there are people who feel a strong aura, a radiance vast, with clear color and clear. Over time, there is an aura of radiance and color fading narrowed, due to physical exhaustion, the mind, disease, blood circulation is not smooth, or hormonal metabolism imbalance.
With ditotok expected circulation and hormones work more smoothly, so the body becomes more fresh. In addition, the positive electromagnetic energy fields that affect one's attractiveness will
appears, the color of the aura is believed to be more clear and bright, so radiant face shone even more.

To Totok Aura follow tipsnya as follows:

. At first, face first cleaned of makeup and dirt.
. Then face massage for relaxation. To be more relaxed, the legs were massaged at the same time by another therapist.
. After that, ditotok Muli face from the middle of the eyebrows meeting, then at the forehead, using the oil containing seaweed extracts, vitamin E, and vitamin C.1
. Then move to the end of the massage out the eyes and the area under the eyes, and returned to the area around the forehead and bridge of the nose bone.
. Then blooded done from the right and left edge of the nose and into the cheek bone. Totok always ended at a point in the forehead and crown - crown, interspersed with a massage at the back .
. Finally, facial mask laced with extracts containing Bengkuang, swallow's nests, and powdered milk. After silenced about 10-15 minutes, rinse face thoroughly.


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